Artistes.M - Version 0.2 |
Entries: 149 |
Last Updated: 25.02.2002 |
Machine 11 |
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The Machine in the Garden |
San Francisco baroque trance, dark-wave gothic group, semi-ambient, romantic. Female lead vocals, electronics, occassional neo-classical.
comparisons: Projekt; Heavenly Voices
- labels: Middle Pillar.
- releases: Underworld; One Winter's Night
- official*
Madison Konflikt: Die Aushwitz Projekt |
Madre |
Madre Del Vizio |
Magenta |
Norwegian? Antique, modern indie-inspired band. Electronic, guitar, drum loops, samples. comparisons: Curve vocals; Portishead; Cranes
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Magnetic Fields |
Main |
La Maison Moderne |
Experimental, industrial
- label: Tesco
- releases: Day After Day
Majesty in Misery |
Mainesthai |
- releases: Out to Lunch
Malaise |
- MementoMateria
- official*
- Memento*
Malice Mizer |
- official*
Malficia |
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Malign |
Malochia |
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Manic P. |
Manifest Vision |
- official*
man(i)kin |
- mart(i)n; Seth
West Midlands-based techno, trance, goth, industrial. Two drums sets on either side of the mic. Very heavy techno drum beat with synth overlay, sometimes quite ethereal. Industrial, goth, trance and breakbeat, melodic vocals, twisted synthesizers and industrial percussion.
- releases: sem(i)nal
- official*
- Nemesis
Mantus |
Manuskript |
- Mike Uwins - bass?
Influenced by 80's new-romantic and 90's darkwave, gothic pop, futurist, indie. Mike often guests on bass at Horatii gigs.
- comparisons: Ultravox; Japan; Faith No More; Nine Inch Nails
- label: Resurrection Records
- releases: I Can't Believe It's Not Goth (EP, 1996); The Diversity of Life (1996); Spooky (EP, 1997, le 500); Devils Advocate (1999); Natural High (2nd April 2002)
- contact: info@manuskript.co.uk
+44 (0) 20 7813 2917
Manuskript, c/o Resurrection Records,
73 Parkway,
London NW1 7PP
- official*
Mara's Torment |
Marc Almond |
- releases: Absinthe-The French Album
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March Violets |
Marcome |
Marilyn Manson |
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- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
- void
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Marion |
Marionettes |
Marlow |
Marnie |
Marquee Moon |
Martin Gold |
Martin Rev |
Martyr Colony |
Martyr Complex |
- mp3.com*
Martyr Whore |
Masochist Halo |
Masochistic Religion |
Massiv In Mensch |
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Master.Slave Relationship |
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Matrix |
Matrix EBM |
- label - Out of Time (Germany)
industrial dance music.
Matter of Fact |
Matt Howden |
- Apocalyptic folk, romantic neo-classical, classical instruments, keyboards.
- label: Redroom; World Serpent Distribution
- releases: Intimate And Obstinate
Mauve Sideshow |
Ethereal, atmospheric, gothic, melotron, female vocals. - releases: Torn Curtain; Blood Will Tell
Mayhem |
mdb |
- releases: Light at the End of the World
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Meat Beat Manifesto |
Techno. - releases: God O.D.
Meat Department |
Mechanical Cabaret |
- official
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Mediaeval Baebes |
Medicine Rain |
Mee |
Ethno ambient
- releases: Mee
Megadump |
German electro.
- label: Accession
- releases: Feed me, Fuck me, Kill Me!; Speartackle (le, hologram)
Megaherz |
Megaptera |
Swedish, Italian? Dark atmospheric sounds, machine rhythms. Death ambient, death industrial, claustrophobic, electronic.
- releases: The Curse Of The Scarecrow; Electronic Underground
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Melek-Tha |
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Mellonta Tauta |
Melotron |
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- official
Meltwood |
Meme 334 |
Memorandum |
- releases: Aux Morts; Ichor (12"); Ars Moriendi (Aux Morts and Ichor)
Memoryboy |
Mental Destruction |
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Mentallo and The Fixer |
Dark electro
- labels: Metropolis
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Mephisto Waltz |
- Bari Bari (Christian Death) - guitars; Johann Sehuman (Christian Death); David Glass (Christian Death); Christianna - vocals.
midrange to soft female vocals.
- releases: Thalia (1995)
- contact: Mephisto Waltz, P.O. Box 55601, L.A. CA 91413 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
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Mercury Tea Company |
- Karl Zeleny - guitarist; Peter Zantey - drummer; David Witkinson - vocals.
- Australian trio formed 1994. Electronics, guitars
- labels: Nyctalopia Records; Music For Nations?
- releases: Sundown Empire
- contact: Meridian
P.O. Box 198
NSW 2050
Merlons of Nehemiah
The Merry Thoughts
Mesh |
- Richard; Niel; Mark.
- From Bristol, big in Germany and Scandinavia. Synth, drum beat, vocals. Synthpop with an industrial bent.
- releases: The Point At Which It Falls Apart; In This Place Forever.
- The Mesh Information Service
PO Box 24,
BS31 2BF
UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0)117 904 8385 (Answer machine if unavailable) Fax + 44 (0)117 940 5065
- english*
- Deutsch*
- mu*
- involved*
Methuselah's Child
Merged with Reliquary to form Paris Burning.
Midnight Call
Midnight Configuration
- Trev Bramford (Brother Orchid) - distorted male vocalist; Lisa - vocals, performance; Nick - guitar.
- Started in 1993 as solo studio project. Electro-gig. First gig Carnival of Souls 1994.
- label: Nightbreed
- releases: Dark Hours of the Southern Cross
- Midnight Configuration
- void
Midnight Masquerade
Swedish act.
- void Robert's Guide
Midnight Oil
Midnight Syndicate
Mila Mar
- Ethereal
- label: Strange Ways
- releases: Elfensex
Militia |
Belgian industrial. 22 mics on stage, up to six scrap metal percussionists, woodwind, electronics, angle grinder, concrete mixer (full of chains).
Mind Drop
Mindless Faith
Minimal Compact
Ministry |
- wbr
- Darkspoon
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- Leigh Bowery (Quality Street Wrappers; Raw Sewage); Nicola Bowery - vocals; Matthew Glamorre - vocals; Richard Torry; Trevor Sharpe - drums.
Formed in 1993 by Leigh Bowery, who died on New Years' Eve, 1994. Names from the theatrical term for a very off-handed person. Part of The Offset collective, which also includes Add N to X
Edgy, discordant, nightmarish, comic and menacing. Harsh, tuneless, unmusical vocals.
- releases: Open Wide (1997).
- Plastic Bag
Minus Infinity
Mira |
Ethereal rock
- label: Projekt.
Miranda Sex Garden
Jocelyn West; Kelly McCusker; Katharine Blake; and more.
High female vocals. Gothic, atmospheric, ethereal, rock, strings.
label: Mute Records Ltd.
releases: Madra (1991)
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Misnomer |
Missed in Diary
The Mission |
- Wayne Hussey (Sisters of Mercy) - vocals; Mark Thwaite (Tricky) - guitarist, left in early 2002; Rob Holliday (Sulpher) - guitarist (since late 2001)
Active, UK.
- releases: Resurrection
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Miss Kittin & The Hacker |
Mistle Thrush |
Mist of Avalon
- Aram - vocals?
- Swedish goth metal. Doom laden metal, death, black, thrash. Need a drummer (by own admission)
- Label: M&A Music Art, Resurrection Records.
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The Mistress Of Jersey
The Models |
- Cliff Fox - guitar, vocals; Marco Pirroni (Siouxsie and the Banshees, Adam and the Ants) - guitar; Mick Allen - bass; Terry Day - drums.
Modern English |
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Modern Eon
Liverpool group.
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Modern Talking
- Synth-pop
- labels: Flaming Fish
Moon Far Away
The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud
The Moon Seven Times
Moonspell |
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The Moor
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The Moors
Morbus Kitahara
Morder Machine |
- Marco Corbelli (Atrax Morgue)
Death / Industrial music, violent obsessive power necrosounds, lifeless percussions, tortured vocals. Intense, insane stage actions.
The Morendoes |
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Morgana Athena
Las Vegas group.
- void Domino Effect Records
Morphine Angel
Mors Syphilitica
Mortal Loom
Morthem Vlade Art
Theatrical gothic quartet.
Comparisons: Alice Cooper
- void Channel 83 Records
Dark ambient, mystic. Crazy Norwegian played a few gigs with Christian Death in 1998/9?
Shiprah - drumming; Nothing - guitar; Shirin - vocalist.
Cornish trio. Atmospheric, dynamic, melodic.
Flat 3, Tresilian House, West End, Marazion, Cornwall TR17 0EG, UK.
Mother Depth
Finland melancholy, gothic metal band.
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The Mourning After (Sweden)
The Mourning After (USA)
Mourning Cloak
Mourning Gloria
Mouse on Mars
Mugwump |
Mumbles |
Murder Inc. |
- Chris Conolly
- Basically Killing Joke but with Chris Conolly instead of Jaz
Mörder Machine |
Murder of Crows
- official
Miami-based dark band.
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Museum |
Muslimgauze |
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My Bloody Valentine |
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My Dad is Dead
My Despair |
My Diva |
My Dying Bride |
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My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult |
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My Mother's Dream |
Mynox Laugh |
Myrpok |
My Scarlet Life |
Mystery Plays |
Mystic Circle |
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MZ.412 |
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‘Y üIB |8E