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Artistes.Q - Version 2.0
Entries: 3 Last Updated: 08.07.2000
  • Sigrid - female, soprano vocals.
  • German Gothic with atmospheric, ethereal, electro, classical, dance influences. Neo-mediaeval chants (religious overtones), high female vocals and techno/elektro, guitar-pop.
  • Releases: Qntal (1996?); Qntal II
    1. number 1
    2. number 2
    3. number 3
    4. number 4
  • The Question
  • Comma - composer, lyrics, sole member.
  • Colombian Gothic, atmospheric band.
  • webSites:
    number 1
  • Queue Up
  • Ali Hernan - lead female vocals; Dennis Richie - guitars; Randy Blaire - drums.
  • Cleveland-based trio since 1996? Gothic, guitar pop, light goth-techno, industrial, dark danceable rock. Pulsating synts, samples, guitar tones.
  • Releases: Possession.
  • webSites:
    number 1
    number 1
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    index artistes lyrics more visual write